Friday, September 01, 2017

The End is Just the Beginning

This week as we wrap up our study of the Minor Prophets, we spend our time studying the last two chapters of Malachi and by canonical placement the last two chapters of the Old Testament. I find it interesting that the last word of the Old Testament is "curse". That word is the word ḥērem in Hebrew and means appointed to utter destruction. Think about that. If the Bible ended there. If the story was over with that verse would there have been any hope? 

Doesn't appear like it, thankfully the Bible doesn't end there and the story continues the final chapters reveal what we knew to be true from the very beginning, God wins. But more than that the way he ends is spectacular. 

The New Testament was written largely in Greek vs the Hebrew of the Old Testament but we see in 

Revelation 22:3 a promise that every good Jew would have picked up on right away. It says "and there will no longer be any curse". What hope! What joy we should find in this! Because of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross the curse we had been under since Adam, this appointment to utter destruction has been voided for those washed by the blood of the Lamb of God. 

What a glorious promise! One day every tear will be wiped away, there will be no more pain, there will be no more death or destruction. We will bask in the glory of the King of Kings and LORD of Lords praising him glorifying his name for all eternity. What a glorious promise! 

See ya Sunday! 

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