Friday, August 25, 2017

Sins of the People

There is an old story that has made its rounds in the pulpit. Goes' something like this: "A church member scolded her pastor for preaching a series of sermons on "The Sins of the Saints."
"After all," she argued, "the sins of Christians are different from the sins of other people."
"Yes," agreed her pastor, "they're worse."

This is the heart behind the next two weeks. Malachi is faced with the formidable task of confronting the people and the priests of their sins. Because the sins of God's children are indeed worse. When believers sin, they not only break the Law of God, but they break the heart of God. It would be so easy for us to simply attribute this book to be simply ancient history and not let it affect us in any way but the harsh reality is that these sins not only exist in the church today but they have become prevalent! Let's commit ourselves to the Lord and affirm our love for him today!

Hope to see you on Sunday!

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