Monday, January 20, 2014

Convenience in the Gospel?

Let me get my rant for the day out of the way...
Where in the Bible does God do anything for convenience? I mean does He anywhere take a short cut or pass on something because He feels He (or His people) won't benefit from it?  Does Jesus ever say so paying your taxes won't help anyone in your town so don't worry about it let those who benefit from it do all the work? Does he ever say well Dad I know you need me to die today but it doesn't really fit into my schedule besides these folks really don't deserve this why don't  we wait a few years and see if they turn their lives around...

NO? Are you sure? Cause there are days I'd swear that is what he taught by the way people who claim to be believers behave...

Jesus taught we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. That means we are to want for our neighbors what we want for ourselves (or better really if you get right down to it...) Now maybe you don't love yourself and that is your excuse but then you are facing a whole different set of problems which we can address at a different point in time... 

If Jesus really meant what He taught about loving our neighbors as ourselves then shouldn't we want to do anything possible to help those who are around us? Even if we in our finite element never see the benefit from those efforts?

I totally get the fact we are to be good stewards of what is in trusted to us and that isn't my point - my point is this - if someone is hurting, whether it be here, the next town, the next state, or a completely different country and I can in some way make things better for then whether it is convenient for me or not, whether I have to sacrifice or not, whether I ever see the result of that or not; I as a follower of Christ am called to help however I possibly can.

I realize someone might be offended by my words here and honestly that is my goal - I want to offend you to action - the gospel is offensive. Christ dying on the cross is offensive but it is done in love. Love for you. Love that is calling you to be obedient. Will you be obedient today, swallow your pride, and serve those in need whether you ever meet them or not?

Rant over... I'm putting my soap box away for the day...

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