Friday, September 02, 2016

The Power of a Single Word

As I studied our passage for this week (James 3:1-12)  study led me to reflect on what the Bible had to say about words... If you start in the beginning  in Genesis - as you read the creation account you find that God uses words to do some amazing things - Genesis 1:3 says "then God said..." God spoke... He used words and if you notice as you reading the rest of the chapter each time God created something we see these words "then God said..." 

God created the heavens and the earth the power of His words...  By the power of THE Word!

God also uses words to give us commands - Genesis 2:16-17 tells says "and the LORD God commanded the man..." here God was instructing Adam, his crowning creation, which trees from the garden he was free to eat of...

Genesis also reveals to us that God isn't the only one who can use words...

We see in Genesis 3 that Satan can use words as well... Genesis 3:1 "now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, "you can't eat from any tree in the garden?" 

It is important recognize the devious nature of Satan here, his very words distort and twist God's Word...

Words both good and evil are powerful and this brings us to James 3 where we are reminded of the powerful truth that God and Satan are not the only ones who use words...

We should choose our words carefully as they have the power to build up or tear down lives in a single breath...

Hope to see you Sunday!

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