Friday, August 26, 2016

Living Faith

James demonstrates near perfect exegetical form in James 2:14-26… He gives his main point in vs 14 and then illustrates it in vs 15-17. Verses 18-19 offer some constructive objections to his point and then in verses 20-26 he closes reiterating his point with two examples from the Old Testament. Finally closing restating his main point in vs 26. His teaching is echoed in the letters of Paul and in the very words of Christ...

The point that James makes is that faith that is not followed by actions is a lifeless faith.

Now to be clear -  James isn’t saying that you are saved by your works rather that if your actions are a result of where your faith is… remember our theme?

What you do = what you really believe! 

If you truly have placed your faith in Christ, good works are a natural outflow of that faith…

No good works? Check your faith…

Friends, I have no desire to be a hellfire and damnation preacher, but even more so I am terrified at the prospect that people could be sitting there lost as could be… deceived by their own minds… thinking that their knowledge of God, that their belief in a higher power is sufficient to save them...

It breaks my heart when I see people die right here in my own community, people with no fruit of faith in Christ, and yet our church-filled community concludes that surely they are with God in heaven…

We must stop this madness… We must tell the honest truth no matter how painful!

It’s just not true!

Now let me be clear on this – no one knows the innermost secrets of a person’s heart, nor are we the final judge… That is reserved for God alone…

But friends God’s word is clear: if you claim faith but there is no fruit is you are nothing more than a dead corpse…

There’s no life there… instead, there’s death in hell for all eternity…

Simply calling yourself a Christian, or simply having raised your hand years ago making a “decision” to follow Jesus is not worth anything…

A faith that does nothing is dead…

Growing up in a Christian home isn’t enough…

Going to church isn’t enough…

A real, vital, genuine faith in Jesus will express itself in a life of godly work.

What is your faith doing in your life today?

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