Saturday, January 21, 2017

Reaping What You Sow...

Context is so important when you read scripture. It is so easy to read a passage without proper context and thus twist the verse into something completely different than the intended meaning. You can look at passages such as 1 Chronicles 4:10 better known as “The Prayer of Jabez.” Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things” – when you look that these it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t want to bless you or that through Christ you can’t do anything you desire, but those verses in context don’t have the intent that we think they do. Another one of those verses that are so often taken out of context is found in this week’s passage in Galatians 6. Galatians 6:7b …for whatever a man sows he will also reap… I can’t tell you how many times someone has said to me trying to justify their own attitude toward someone well ya know they are gonna reap what they sow…

Well duh… Yes, in the technical sense of the use of this term you are right they will reap what they sow. BUT, and this is a big but, that isn’t what Paul is talking about in this passage.
Paul is alluding to salvation in this passage. And when you include the rest of the relevant passage and the context of the remainder of the book, the intended audience, culture, Paul’s other writings and so forth you see that Paul isn’t calling for judgment on someone.

Paul is exhorting his fellow workmen to one not give up on anyone, and two stop trying to fool God.

Matthew Henry’s thoughts on the matter while wordy are precisely on target:
The apostle here supposes that many are apt to excuse themselves from the work of religion, and especially the more self-denying and chargeable parts of it, though at the same time they may make a show and profession of it; but he assures them that this their way is their folly, for, though hereby they may possibly impose upon others, yet they do but deceive themselves if they think to impose upon God, who is perfectly acquainted with their hearts as well as actions, and, as he cannot be deceived, so he will not be mocked; and therefore, to prevent this, he directs us to lay down as a rule to ourselves, That whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap; or that according as we behave ourselves now, so will our account be in the great day.

We must be ever vigilant in our obedience to Christ that we don’t attempt to fool ourselves into thinking we are better off than we are thereby trying to fool God.

Context, Context Context…

Everything makes so much more sense when you keep it within its proper context. 

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