Friday, June 24, 2016

Pulling the Weeds

As I was studying this week’s passage I found an interesting illustration which I think everyone can relate to... “Pulling the Weeds.

Think about this with me...  In the heat of the summer have you ever noticed that nothing grows well but the weeds? Unlike your garden or your flowers or your manicured lawns weeds are tolerant. They don't really care if they get refreshed. Weeds aren't concerned about their future, they just go crazy in every, cool, wet, dry. Especially, dry! So during summer heat the weeds seem to overtake everything else, making it difficult for anything to flourish, except the weeds. 

Yards and gardens lack in luster and start losing their potential to be beautiful or productive.

The same is true with us. When we are not getting the correct nourishment or the right amount of water, we become unhealthy. We begin to wilt, if you will, and soon the "weeds" start taking over in our bodies and in our lives. 

The worst type of weeds are the spiritual weeds. These weeds can not only damage our spirits but they can also end up chocking out our faith our motivation and our focus on the spiritual things of God. 

This week we are looking at the need for personal confession of sin, how and personal repentance precedes national repentance... Confession of our sins is essential to enjoy God's favor and spiritual blessings. 

Unfortunately, we live in a day when it’s not popular to admit wrong, seek forgiveness or even ask for help... We elevate self, self-esteem and individuality such that they are valued higher than a relationship with God. 

We are urged to think the best of ourselves in order to achieve our full potential. If there is a problem we can solve it, if there is a hurdle we can clear it… Self-help books, life coaches, and other counselors abound helping clients to overcome a poor self-image and to believe in themselves and their worth.

But our worth and our image are not to be found in ourselves. It is to be found in Christ.  

When the heat waves come or the dry spells hit and the weeds start to get thick, there is only One Way to regain the luster, the life, the power, the control in your life. It comes from the Water that never dries up. It comes from the never ending source. It comes from the Well that never fails. Jesus Christ and Him crucified, resurrected and ascended to the Right Hand of the Father. 

Don’t let the heat keep you down get out there, pull those weeds that have popped up in your life and start again with the refreshing water of life. Jesus, the thirst quencher!

Have a great weekend and a great week.

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