Saturday, February 13, 2016

Just a little angry...

*If you are easily offended I suggest you skip reading my blog post this week… If you do read and you get offended take a deep breath and look in the mirror because I warned you…  I read a lot… I mean a lot a lot –  As I sat back after my weeks reading, I look at the tabs open on my browser articles dealing with eugenics, abortion, public justice issues, immigration issues, presidential primaries, and reformation theology; I just keep getting drawn back to a post made by a friend on Facebook – I don’t know if she was serious or just frustrated at the current political landscape but it doesn’t matter because the original post isn’t even what my mind keeps drawing back to… it was one of the comments… to be precise a comment on a comment…

The original post was a pondering as to if other countries would accept refugees from the USA if Trump were elected this fall – the comment on a comment was made by another friend – her son (adopted from Ethiopia I think he is around 6 or 7 now) was almost in tears explaining to her that if Trump were elected he wanted their family to move, to leave the country, because he was afraid they might all end up in an “internment camp since our kids are immigrants".

Now I don’t care what your politics are that just resonates – even a young child sees the danger in extremism… You might say well that would never happen… tell that to the folks about 100 miles south who lost all their rights when they followed a guy promising them that they would all own a piece of land, have free health care and free education… Anyone who opposed him once he had the power was either killed, imprisoned, or shipped off…

Why are we as adults so blinded by the left or right that we can’t see the hate and lack of maturity in both of our mainstream political parties? I have genuinely attempted on several occasions the past few months to watch both parties debates, earnestly praying and seeking God’s direction for our country but I will be honest it scares me… Neither the right nor the left seem to be willing to look past their own disdain for the other party and for the other members of their own party… The problem is always the other guy…

It makes me sick to think that in a few short weeks I (as the vast majority of you) will be headed to the local polling location to cast a ballot… This ballot, this primary election ballot is one of the most controversial yet the most important we have had in the last 100 years… We are deciding the fate of our country… My hope and prayer is that wisdom from God descends and people come to their senses and stop this madness…

As someone who has actually been to more than one dictator torn countries and seen firsthand the suffering of the socialist state there is much to be feared in handing over the keys of our country…  It’s not roses and daffodils, with free health care and everyone happy and at peace with one another… Nor is it a utopia where everyone is the same skin tone speaking the same language… What members on both sides are proposing is essentially that… Different verbiage but it’s to one extreme or the other… I am afraid that if we the people don’t stand up for our faith and stand up for our rights as people, if we just let the extremists battle it out hoping they fizzle out in the end we won’t have a country standing come November.  

Bottom line is this… our children should not fear internment camps or deportation… what happened to "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." – I am all for the extreme – but where that extreme should be… an extreme faith in an extremely gracious and merciful God – 

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