Friday, October 30, 2015

ἀκλινής (yes this is a word and yes you can find it in the Bible)

Last week I brought out the idea that we are to be culture changing not culture adopting, this week as I've been studying Hebrews 10 a single word really jumped out at me. That word is ἀκλινής.  Now if you were to open your Bible and read Hebrews 10 you are most likely not going to see this word right away, in fact unless you are reading from a Greek word study or from a good study Bible you probably wouldn't see this word at all but it is there I assure you. 

It is transliterated aklinés and is pronounced ak-lee-nace'. This is the Greek word for unbending or without waver. You find this concept in Hebrews 10:23 when the writer says “Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering…”

This is such a good description of where the church needs to be today. Too often we become like politicians who find the right word to say to each person who lends an ear. Our goal to help people to feel better about themselves, to feel like they matter in this crazy messed up world…

But is that what we are really called to do? I believe that we are called to be aklinés in our dedication to the Gospel. That we are to be unbending, unyielding, unwavering in our commitment to our Lord and Savior. If that means that some become offended by the Gospel and reject us as friends or family so be it. Are they really rejecting us or are they rejecting Jesus? (Read: John 15:18-25) 

If we capitulate and present a watered down gospel for fear of driving someone away from the cross are we really any better than the Jewish leaders who hung Jesus on the cross?

Our responsibility is to sow seed and or water that seed, it is the Holy Spirit who causes that seed to grow, produce fruit, and be harvested accordingly.

We must not bend in the winds of the culture today, we must not waver on our commitment to Christ, and we must not yield to the undercurrents trying to separate us from the love of our Savior whatever the cost may be.

Church will you stand with me aklinés before the world?

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