Thursday, June 11, 2015

Calming the Storm

Mark 4:35-41 has an account of one of the most incredible feats outside of raising the dead that Jesus did during his ministry here on earth.

If you have ever been on a boat in a storm you can understand the sheer terror that had arisen in the disciples as they crossed over the Sea of Galilee... While the storms I've endured on the water pale in comparison to most I can echo the trauma that they were enduring it is a terrorizing feeling to climb a wave larger than your boat then to crest and be sitting there with the bow and stern out of the water at the same time...

And there is Jesus... sound asleep...

Terror, wind, water all around, and then there is Jesus, calmly sleeping...

Disciples are panicked! They think they are all about to die... They are probably think ok if I jump ship now maybe I can make it shore -- but then drowning in the sea was no way to go and there is Jesus resting...

This is an important lesson for us.

When we think the world is coming to an end.. when we think that there is no hope... We need to look to Jesus - we are called to follow his example are we not? Rather than panicking, rather than stressing, rather than trying to control a situation that is beyond our control why don't we just model Jesus and stop take a respite and let God handle the situation?

What storm of life are you enduring today that you need to let God handle?

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